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How to Add a Data Source

Nexla's bi-directional connectors make ingesting data from any location easy.

In this article, learn how to create a data source in Nexla and begin ingesting data. The instructions describe the general steps required to set up a data source in a data flow, along with links to connector-specific instructions when applicable.

1. Select the Data Flow and Data Source Type

  1. Log into Nexla with your provided credentials to view the Nexla Dashboard.

    If you need credentials, contact

  2. Navigate to the Integrate section by selecting Integrate.png from the platform menu on the left side of the screen.

  3. Click New Data Flow.png at the top of the Integrate toolbar on the left.


  4. Select the type of data flow to be created from the menu on the left, and click Create2.png.

    Data Flow Types in Nexla

    Streaming Flow Streaming data flows provide automatic schema updates, transforms, validations, data sharing, and more.

    In-Memory Flow In-memory data flows are used to work with stored (non-streaming) data using SQL-based record aggregation and dataset joining. This flow type is ideal for large records.

    Change Data Capture Flow Use these data flows for real-time capturing and replication of changes made to data in databases.

    Replication Flow Replication data flows are used to move data as-is from a data source to a destination location.

    Spark Flow Spark data flows are optimized for processing data from cloud-based file-storage locations and include Spark SQL capabilities. This flow type is tailored for use with a single data type.

  1. In the data source set-up screen, select a connector tile that matches the source type from which data will be ingested in this flow. Once a connector is selected, the platform will automatically advance to the next setup step.

    Locating Connector Tiles

    Connector tiles can be located by scrolling through the full list or by typing the connector name into the search bar at the top of the list.

    To view only connectors for data sources of a certain type, select a connector category from the menu on the left.

    Changing the Selected Source Type

    To change the selected connector type after advancing to a later step in the flow setup process, use the menu at the top of the screen to navigate back to the Select step.


2. Configure Authentication Settings

In the Authenticate screen, follow the instructions below to create or select the credential that will be used to connect to the data source.

To create a new credential:

2.1 Create a New Credential

  1. Select the Add Credential tile.
2. Enter and/or select the required information in the **Add New Credential** pop-up.

Adding New Credentials

Credential requirements vary depending on the data source type, with some sources requiring URLs, access keys, and other parameters that must be obtained from the source application/location in addition to account information.

Detailed information about credential creation for specific sources can be found on the Connectors page.

  1. Once all of the required information has been entered, click SaveCredential.png at the bottom of the pop-up to save the new credential, and proceed to Section 3.

2.2 Use an Existing Credential

Any accessible valid credential created by or shared with the user can be used to create a data source of the matching type.

  1. Select the credential from the list.
  1. Click Next.png in the upper right corner of the screen, and proceed to Section 3.

3. Configure & Create the Data Source

  1. Select and configure the source location from which data should be read, including any desired advanced settings (i.e., the frequency at which data should be fetched, data selection settings, etc.).

    Configuring Data Sources

    The data source selection and/or configuration procedure varies according to the source type. Detailed instructions for each data source type can be found on the Connectors page.

    Example Data Source Configuration Screen (Snowflake)


  2. Click Create.png in the upper right corner of the screen to save and create the data source. Nexla will now automatically scan the source for data and organize that data into a Nexset, which is a logical data product that is immediately ready to be transformed or sent to any destination.


3. No-Code, Bidirectional Connectors

Learn more about Nexla's no-code, bidirectional connectors that can be used to connect to any data source within seconds, without writing any code, in the video below: