📄️ Nexset Designer Overview
This article describes the functions and features of the Nexset Designer. The Nexset Designer is the screen used to design transformations of incoming data to create new Nexsets. It makes performing data transformations and management simple and allows users to easily visualize how their data transformations work.
📄️ Nexla's Pre-Built Transforms
This article provides a list and brief descriptions of all pre-built transforms included in Nexla, with these transforms categorized by type. The Table of Contents can be used to navigate to lists of specific transform categories.
📄️ Custom Transforms Using Python/Javascript/JSON
This article provides information about creating custom attribute and record transformations in Nexla using Python, JavaScript, and/or JSON code.
📄️ Reusable Record Transforms
When the same set of transform funcitons needs to be repeatedly applied to multiple Nexsets and/or data flows, creating a reusable record transform can save time and ensure consistency. Instead of requiring users to set up identical transforms for each Nexset in this scenario, a reusable record transform can be applied to define the entire output Nexset record.
📄️ Reusable Attribute Transforms
When incoming data needs to be transformed via a function not covered in Nexla's pre-built transform functions, users can create a custom reusable attribute transform function using Python, JavaScript, or JSON. Reusable attribute transforms are added to the list of transform functions used to create Nexset Rules in the Nexset Designer.
📄️ Compound Transformations
This article provides information about applying compound transformations to single attributes in Nexla.
📄️ SQL Query-Based Transforms (Record Aggregation)
In the Nexset Designer, the Transform: Aggregate rule type allows users to create Nexsets using SQL query-based transforms. Transforms created with this rule type are applied across all records in a Nexset, generating output data based on complex aggregations across input records. These transforms can be created and applied directly within the Nexla platform, avoiding the need to first transfer data to a database or data warehouse before applying SQL transformations.
📄️ Transforming with Data Lookups
This article provides information about using data lookups to transform data in Nexla. Data lookups are used to convert data values based on information in another data source. For example, a lookup can be used to fetch product information corresponding to incoming customer orders.
📄️ Convert Data into a Different File Format
This article provides information about using Nexla to convert data into different file formats.
📄️ Default Values
This article provides information about setting default attribute values in Nexla.
📄️ Edit Input Samples
This article provides information on how to edit input samples in the Nexset Designer as well as how this capability may be used.