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Google Search Ads 360

Nexla's bi-directional connectors can both send data to and receive data from any data system. This means that once a user has created or gained access to a credential for any data system, building any data flow to ingest data from or send data to a location within that data system requires only a few simple steps.


1. Credentials

This section provides information about and step-by-step instructions for creating a new Google Search Ads 360 credential in Nexla.

  • After selecting the data source/destination type, click AddANewCredential.png in the Authenticate screen. This will open the Add New Credential window.

Configure the Credential

  1. Enter a name for the credential in the Credential Name field.

  2. Optional: Enter a description for the credential in the Credential Description field.

    Resource Descriptions

    Resource descriptions should provide information about the resource purpose, data freshness, etc. that can help the owner and other users efficiently understand and utilize the resource.

  1. Enter or select the following information in the displayed fields:

    • Authorization URL – Google SA360 Authorization URL
    • Client ID – Google SA360 Client ID
    • Access Scope – Google SA360 Access Scope
    • OAuth Nonce – Google SA360 OAuth Nonce
    • Response Type – Google SA360 Response Type
    • Auth Access Type – Google SA360 Auth Access Type
    • Auth Include Granted Scopes – Google SA360 Auth Include Granted Scopes
    • Auth Consent Prompt – Google SA360 Auth URL Consent Prompt
    • Token URL – Google SA360 Token URL
    • Client ID – Google SA360 Token Client ID
    • Client Secret – Google SA360 Token Client Secret
    • Token Grant Tyoe – Google SA360 Token Grant Type

Save the Credential

  1. Once all of the relevant steps in the above sections have been completed, click the Save.png button at the bottom of the Add New Credential screen to save the configured credential.

  2. The newly added credential will now appear in a tile on the Authenticate screen during data source/destination creation and can be selected for use with a new data source or destination.

2. Data Source

To ingest data from a Google Search Ads 360 location, follow the instructions in Section 2 of Common Setup for REST API-Based Systems.

3. Data Destination

To send data to a Google Search Ads 360 location, follow the instructions in Section 3 of Common Setup for Databases and Data Warehouses.